Thursday, June 27, 2019

i will not answer what it means to bleed

“oxidising: a process where the vessel surrenders itself to
the same element that enabled
it to perform. matter gains a
corporeal sensitivity when it exists
in a constant state of flux”

- hosler and hallyburton (2019)

at a distance, for most eyes, red will be the hardest colour to see
and red is pain 
as green is 
or blue 
and pink was a gavel and a belt 
and now it’s a fuck you 
now it’s a vested interest 
now it’s something to invest in
you can make money off pink 
which is red 
pink doesn’t exist 
except as distant red 
informal pain 
and slightly harder to see
a like-pink wound 
can be learning 
the sure incision of yes
growing in the thick bile
yes is relief
and so is pink
and pink is inside and sometimes it is outside the body
or on top of it
or sewn in
or taken in a pill to invert reality
or injected
or carried by charisma or lack there-of 
the body does 
as it is done upon
and this is what power may be 
a conversation on control 
like helium 
fills a room and is unnoticed
unless ignited or startled
or if we speak too close
we may hear the rearranging of power
the tightening of aluminium
where solidifying becomes a choice
to surrender to oneself means to listen 
which is to  engage with power
a dress fitting of control  
a daily exercise in solidity
and then a memory 
when control is burnt
or pressurised 
or current
becomes frightening and alluring
looks like time
feels motivating or motor
and that’s all you can see or do
and you do not take your shoes off to enter 
you drink at the burial 
like most do 
and close your eyes for a while to think
and you watch pink
which is now volcanic 
wet molten in the pool
and i hope you are jealous that
some have found an invisible rhythm 
like gas 
and you or we 
have no idea what is coming 
and that will often fill a room
and may offer some relief